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Honorable Kelsey Hanlon

Owen Circuit Court II

60 S. Main St., 2nd Floor

Spencer, IN 47460



Owen County is served by a Unified Circuit Court System, Owen Circuit Court I and Owen Circuit Court II, which are in the 78th Judicial Circuit of the State of Indiana.


Owen Circuit Court II is responsible for processing a variety of case types, including: Civil Tort, Civil Plenary, Civil Collections, Mortgage Foreclosure, Domestic Relations, Paternity, Reciprocal Support Actions, Juvenile CHINS/Child Welfare Juvenile Miscellaneous, Termination of Parental Rights, Small Claims, Protective Orders, and some Miscellaneous case types. Judge Kelsey B. Hanlon presides over the Owen Circuit Court II, taking office on January 1, 2015.

The Owen Circuit Court II Courtroom and Office are located on the second floor of the Owen County Courthouse. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.


Jury trials are usually scheduled to commence on one Wednesday per month. As a general rule, jury trials commence at 8:30 a.m. and conclude each day at approximately 4:00 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break. Individuals who are summonsed for jury duty are notified in advance of their potential selection for jury duty and are asked to complete and return a jury questionnaire. Any individual who seeks to be excused from jury duty must provide such a request in writing and provide a physician’s statement if the reason for excuse is a medical condition. Jury duty can also be deferred for a brief period of time.  However, such a deferral requires a written request as well. To learn more about the jury duty process go to Serving Jury Duty and watch the videos.


The Judges and Court Staff are prohibited from providing legal advice to anyone. However, information is available at regarding certain legal forms that individuals may use if they wish to proceed on their own in filing pleadings before the Court. Often individuals will telephone the Court staff or personally appear in an attempt to ask for a ruling by the Judge. The Court cannot take action on such requests. Any request for an Order from the Judge must be made in writing and properly filed with the Owen Circuit Court Clerk. If necessary, these requests will be scheduled for hearing.




Notice of Proposed Revalidate Case Load for 2022


Request for Approval to Revalidate for 2022

Courthouse Address
60 S. Main St
Spencer, IN 47460

Monday—Friday: 8:00AM–4:00PM
Saturday – Sunday & Legal Holidays: CLOSED

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